Metieni/ Litters
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | Lagotto Romagnolo | English Setter
We take pride in breeding healthy puppies with excellent pedigrees, each with unique qualities. Whether you’re looking for a loving lap dog, an active and intelligent partner, or an elegant outdoor adventurer, explore our past litters to find your perfect match.

R litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (1 dog & 4 bitches) Date of birth 20.09.2024 BlackberryWhite Denize Cruz Ramirez
P litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (1 dog) Date of birth 21.08.2024 Lara Croft Chilli Koliba BlackberryWhite Carlo
O litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (1 dog & 4 bitches) Date of birth 06.04.2024 BlackberryWhite Klara IL Granaio Dei Malatesta Raviggiolo
K litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (3 dogs & 2 bitches) Date of birth 10.03.2024 BlackberryWhite Uve Bruce Primasol
J litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (1 dog) Date of birth 18.12.2023 BlackberryWhite Ronia Gaily Nose Cruz Ramirez
H litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (4 dogs & 5 bitches) Date of birth 14.03.2023 Chocolate Coco Bruce Primasol
I litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (2 dogs & 3 bitches) Date of birth 1.10.2023 Duda Daddy Dream Honeyspring BlackberryWhite Carlo
G litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (3 dogs) Date of birth 8.12.2022 Bonita Vesta Blue Moon Cavaliers Hollywood
F litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (5 dogs) Date of birth 1.12.2022 BlackberryWhite Jasmine Eric Roberts z Wiolinowej Doliny
E litter
Cavalier King Chrales spaniels (4 bitches) Date of birth 29.09.2022 Duda Daddy Dream Honeyspring Yberick Caressema
D litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (3 dogs & 5 bitches) Date of birth 30.03.2022 BlackberryWhite Klara Bruce Primasol
B litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (2 dogs & 1 bitch) Date of birth 8.11.2021 Bonita Vesta Achilles Gorska Fantazja
A litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniel (1 dog & 1 bitch) Date of Birth – 20.08.2021 Lara Croft Chilli Koliba Blue Moon Cavaliers Hollywood
Z litter
English setters 5 dogs & 2 bitches Date of birth 18.07.2021. BlackberryWhite Eimmy Hunter Step Lego Amazes Me Simarilion
V litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (1 dog & 1 bitch) Date of birth 28.02.2021 Chocolate Coco Freddie Di Casa Ghini
U litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (6 dogs & 1 bitch) Date of birth 21.01.2021. BlackberryWhite Klara Freddie Di Casa Ghini
T litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (2 dogs) Date of birth 1.12.2020. BlackberryWhite Jasmine Yberick Caressema
S litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (1 dog & 3 bitches) Date of birth 18.08.2020 Duda Daddy Dream Honeyspring Eric Roberts z Wiolinowej Doliny
R litter
Lagotto Romganolo (5 dogs & 4 bitches) Date of birth 02.08.2020 Chocolate Coco Freddie Di Casa Ghini
P litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniel (3 bitches) Date of birth 13.05.2020 Lara Croft Chilli Koliba Achilles Gorska Fantazja
O litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniel (1 dog & 1 bitch) Date of birth 10.11.2019 BlackberryWhite Aspena Yberick Caressema
L litter
English setters (6 dogs & 1 bitch) Date of birth 27.05.2019 BlackberryWhite Eimmy Hunter Step Yoyful Yocker Un’iris
K litter
Lagotto Romagnolo (5 dogs & 2 bitches) Date of birth 18.05.2019 Chocolate Coco Ferdinand Bella Mia
J litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels ( 1 dogs & 3 bitches) Date of birth 09.01.2019 Kama Gorska Fantazja Toraylac Vavavoom
I litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (1 dog & 1 bitch) Date of birth 4.10.2018 BlackberryWhite Aspena Achilles Gorska Fantazja
H litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (3 dogs) Date of birth 01.01.2018 Lynette Love Caressema Eric Roberts z Wiolinowej Doliny
G litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (3 dogs & 2 bitches) Date of birth 09.09.2017. BlackberryWhite Aspena You’re My Heart Vom Kaninchengarten
F litter
Cavalier King Charles spaniels (1 dog & 2 bitches) Date of birth 30.12.2016. Lynette Love Caressema Pascavale Lorenzo